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ui_quickbar [2020/01/27 22:40] commanderui_quickbar [2021/03/15 11:26] (current) – external edit
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 ~~NOTOC~~ ~~NOTOC~~
-<-menu_controls|Controls^start|back to mainpage^menu_game_settings|Game-Settings->+<-ui_hudbuttons|3. HUD Buttons^start|back to mainpage^ui_status|5. Status->
 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
-====== Quickbar ======+====== 4. Quickbar ======
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 ^Quickbar^Explanation^ ^Quickbar^Explanation^
-|[[https://wiki.inferna.net/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=commander_quickbar.png|{{:commander_quickbar.png}}]]|**1.** If you press the button, the **attackmode menu** will be opened. \\ **2.** Here you can **move** your skills, potions etc... \\ **3.** If you press the button, the **chat** will be opened.|+|[[https://wiki.inferna.net/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=commander_quickbar.png|{{:commander_quickbar.png}}]]|**1.** If you press the button, the **attackmode menu** will be opened. \\ **2.** Here you can **place** your skills, potions etc... \\ **3.** If you press the button, the **chat** will be opened.|
 ---- ----
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 |[[https://wiki.inferna.net/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=commander_angriffsliste.png|{{:commander_angriffsliste.png}}]]|**1. Friendly** = You can't attack (or get attacked) from people of the same empire. \\ **2. Aggressive** = You can attack people of the enemy empire. \\ **3. Guild** = You can attack people from the enemy guild. \\ **4. Everyone** = You can attack people of the same or enemy empire. | |[[https://wiki.inferna.net/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=commander_angriffsliste.png|{{:commander_angriffsliste.png}}]]|**1. Friendly** = You can't attack (or get attacked) from people of the same empire. \\ **2. Aggressive** = You can attack people of the enemy empire. \\ **3. Guild** = You can attack people from the enemy guild. \\ **4. Everyone** = You can attack people of the same or enemy empire. |
 +^2. Quickbar^Explanation^
 +|[[https://wiki.inferna.net/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=commander_quickbar2.png|{{:commander_quickbar2.png}}]]| Here you can place in your potions, skills or items. You can see an example to the left of this text. |
 +^3. Chat menu^Explanation^
 +|[[https://wiki.inferna.net/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=commander_chatfenster1.png|{{:commander_chatfenster1.png}}]]| **1.** If you click on the first point, the chat log will be opened. \\ **2.** Here you can select in which chat you want write. \\ **3.** Here you can write something in. \\ **4.** If you click on the fourth button, the message will be sended.  |
  • ui_quickbar.1580164837.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/03/15 11:26
  • (external edit)